Volunteer Information
If you are interested in volunteering for BSidesSD, this page has information about the roles available, and some of the expectations around volunteering. You can sign up to volunteer.
We ask that you show up on time for the role you have selected, and if you unable to do so, to contact the volunteer coordinator at the earliest opportunity. Volunteers should be able to answer general questions from attendees, and if not they can refer the question and participant to either the volunteer coordinator or other available coordinator. Volunteers (like participants) are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct. Specific volunteer roles are asked to show up prior to the start of the conference, roles that require this are detailed in line below.
A Few Example Roles:
Speaker Wrangler - As a speaker wrangler you will be responsible for making sure that a speaker is properly set up for their presentation, get them on and off stage,and giving timing cues to the speakers during the presentation to ensure they don’t go over time. You will not have to announce speakers as part of this role (unless something unforeseen happens with an emcee, then you may be asked to do so if you feel comfortable. We ask that you commit to wrangling speakers for 2 talks preferably consecutively, although you may do more if you wish. Wranglers will be needed for both tracks.
Registration Desk - Working at the registration desk you will be responsible for checking attendees registration on a list, giving out badges, bags, and potentially answering general information questions. The bulk of registration happens on the first day. There are 4 shifts to registration, and we do not expect volunteers to work 4 straight shifts. The shifts are 8:30 to 9:45 for which we will need 5 volunteers, 11 to 12:30 for which we will need 2 people, 1 to 1:30 and 2 to 3:30 which will require only 1 person. For the second day there are two shifts 8:30 to 9:45, and then 11 to 12:30 both of which will only require 2 people. Registration desk volunteers will be able to watch the keynote, as registration is shut down during this time.
A/V Setup - For A/V setup you will be helping to setup and test the A/V hardware prior to the start of the conference. This will require volunteers to show up at 8:30 AM. Experience with A/V experience is nice but not strictly necessary.
A/V Wrangler - A/V Wranglers will be responsible for keeping an eye on A/V hardware during the recording of talks. Similar to speaker wrangler, we ask that you commit to keeping an eye on A/V hardware for two talks, preferably consecutively although you may do more if you wish. A/V experience is nice but not strictly necessary.
Track Emcee - Emcee’s will be responsible for introducing speakers prior to their talks. This is a separate role from Speaker Wrangler, and we ask that Emcee’s commit to providing introductions for at least half the talks for a given track, although if they would like to do more that is fine. There will be a need for at most 4 emcee’s for each day.
Workshop Support - Workshop support people will be responsible for helping set up and tear down each workshop, as well as providing help requested by workshop runners during the workshop. Each workshop will need 2 support people.
Floating Volunteer - Not sure what you want do do? Want to do all the things? You can elect to be a floating volunteer, and will be assigned roles on an as needed basis by the volunteer coordinator, or other BSidesSD staff.