After Hours

Food & Drinks

We will be supplying all the food and drinks for event participants who join us for After Hours!

Enjoy Oggie's pizza, stix, and salads as well as an excellent selection of refreshing drinks. 

Alcohol and non-alcohol options will be available. You must be 21+ with a valid ID to partake in alcohol options. 


Come and get your bowling game on!

We provide bowling shoe and ball rentals, you enjoy the physics, competition, and showmanship.

Hacker Jeopardy

Join us for the 2nd Annual BSides SD Hacker Jeopardy competition! 

Sign up here!

Starting around 6:30 pm, pre-registered teams will be competing in multiple rounds of Hacker Jeopardy - BSides SD edition. 

See the "Hacker Jeopardy" subpage for team registration form submisson.

**Before you ask, yes this is an event that has been blessed by Lintile.